Name: Garah Ling
Cost Requirements: $5,500,000, 5,000 Fragments, x10 Warriors Spirits, x2 Golem Hearts
Obtainment Method: You must reach 500 Mastery on either Combat, Superhuman, or Godhuman, as well as obtain the <Tribal Savior> title. Once you do, you can talk to the Village Warrior in the <Bloodbreak Rainforest> on a mountain. He won’t say anything other than “Hmph” and “Aggressive Hmph,” allowing you to purchase the Garah Ling Fighting Style.
Damage: 3052 - 3052 - 3052 - 3104 / 3300
Cooldown: 1 Second
Ken Break: No - No - No - Yes
Knockback: No - No - No - Yes
More To Know: Once equipped, the users fists are covered in stone gauntlets. When attacking, punches forward with the gauntlets, with the final hit having knockback. If held; and the longer the attack is held; one of the users gauntlet detaches from the user. The user cannot use any Garah Ling attacks until the gauntlet returns.
Z: Earth Shattering Knuckle Blitz
Damage: 3620 - 4120 / 9999999
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Ken Break: No - Yes - Don’t matter you’re dead
Knockback: Yes - Yes - Don’t matter you’re dead
Mastery: 125
More To Know: The user charges an attack. If used on the edge of a structure, launches the user (Think Rubber Slingshot), if the attack lands on a player, propels the user forward and punches with a powerful force. If fully charged, deals increased damage. If fully charged and the targets HP is at 5% or less, deals insane damage, instantly killing them. Deals increased damage (4120) if the use lands the attack on a Portal User who’s X ability is in effect (haha screwing that spam however I can).
X: Rudagaro Clutch
Damage: 904 - 4002 / 5022
Cooldown: 13 Seconds
Ken Break: No - Yes if in collision impact
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 250
More To Know: The user detached one of their gauntlets, sending it in the direction of the cursor (think Dragon Talon X). if the gauntlet comes into contact with an enemy, pulls the user to the enemy and punches them. The user cannot use any Garah Ling moves until the attack ends or the user takes damage, causing the attack to end as well. Can hit and deals increased damage to Portal Users who have their X ability in effect (yes fear me you portal mains who make me wanna cry).
C: Gauntlet Twister
Damage: 2196 - 4002
Cooldown: 15.25 Seconds
Ken Break: No - Yes
Knockback: No - Yes
Mastery: 350
More To Know: The users gauntlets detach as the user hovers in the air, flailing and rushing around rapidly, creating a twister than pulls in nearby enemies (think Dragon East C but balanced X_X)
Name: Coral Maga
Cost Requirements: $5,400,000, 5,000 Fragments, x1 Nova Sea Beast Heart, x1 Golem Heart, x2 Angler Bulbs, x3 Corpse Gems.
Obtainment Method: While in the submarine underwater, you may find a Coral Reef, the earlier you find it, the less likely anything of interest will appear, and will usually have nothing or a couple of treasure chests. It is possible to obtain Fruits, an increased chance of a Gods Chalice, or a Puke Fish if you don’t have one already. With a 5% spawn rate in each Coral Reef, you can find the Coral Meditator. To interact with him, you must have Sanguine Art, Garah Ling, or Abyssal Krav to 500 Mastery. Once you do, he’ll say “You found me! Now go away.” If you No way teach me: “Fine want to learn a Fighting Technique? Go defeat some of The Taken. They pester me from time to time.” Once you defeat 3 The Taken, he’ll sell you the Coral Maga Fighting Style. The Coral Reef will remain spawned until an hour passes, another one generates, or the player it spawned from leaves the server.
Damage: 3200 - 3200 - 3200 - 3412
Cooldown: 1 Second
Ken Break: No
Knockback: No - No - No - Yes
More To Know: The user palms forward, dealing damage to hit targets. The final hit has coral grow on the target, dealing low damage overtime and preventing passive healing. The damage is stronger against Shark and Water users. (This is just the Pokemon Additional Effect Salt Cure X_X)
Z: Mizu Mano
Damage: 1266 - 4001
Cooldown: 7.6 Seconds
Ken Break: No - Yes if near the coral burst
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 150
More To Know: The user lunges forward with their hand outstretched, generating a giant watery hand. If an enemy is within range of the hand, it closes on them, squeezing them before a burst of coral erupts, dealing damage and applying a coral effect that deals damage overtime, preventing passive healing. The damage is stronger against Shark and Water users.
Z: Frozen Mizu Mano
Damage: 1466 - 4601
Cooldown: 7.6 Seconds
Ken Break: No - Yes if near the coral burst
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 150
More To Know: The user lunges forward with their hand outstretched, generating a giant watery hand. If an enemy is within range of the hand, it closes on them, squeezing them before a burst of frosted-over coral erupts, dealing damage with an explosion of ice, slowing hit targets. The start-up to the attack is smaller than the non-frozen form.
X: Finger Jet
Damage: 2253 - 3482 - 5012
Cooldown: 11.2 Seconds
Ken Break: No
Knockback: No
Mastery: 250
More To Know: The user swipes their hand, sending sharp blades of water in the direction of the cursor, dragging hit opponents (think Soul Guitar Z) and causing an explosion of water if it comes into contact with a structure, dealing increased damage.
X: Frozen Finger Jet
Damage: 3822 / 2209
Cooldown: 11.2 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: No
Mastery: 250
More To Know: The user swipes their hand, sending shards of ice in the direction of the cursor. If an enemy is in the general direction of the attack, the attack auto-locks onto them. If used or lands on the ground, an explosion of ice is caused, dealing damage and lowering speed of nearby enemies.
C: Coral Paste
Damage: 4020
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 350
More To Know: The users hand turns into squishy coral, which explodes in a burst of “immediate” coral shortly after (similar function to Sanguine C) dealing damage and applying a Coral Effect, dealing damage over time and preventing passive healing. The damage is stronger against Shark and Water users
C: Frozen Coral Paste
Damage: 4102
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 350
More To Know: The users hand turns into frozen coral, which explodes and scatters shards of ice, dealing damage and slowing hit targets. The start-up to the attack is smaller than the non-frozen form.
Extra Stuff: To obtain the Frozen Variants, talk to the Coral Meditator while a Leviathan Heart is in your inventory, and he'll allow you to alter your Coral Magas form. This can be done at the Awakening Expert as well once you obtain Coral Maga
Name: Abyssal Krav
Cost Requirements: x1 Leviathan Heart, x2 Nova Sea Beast Hearts, x2 Angler Tails, 1x Supreme Trapclaw Snail, Sharkman Karate - 500 Mastery, $5,500,000, and 5,200 f
Obtainment Method: Begin a Deep-Sea Expedition and search for a <Sunken City>, where you’ll find Hungar Feish. Upon interacting with him, “You found me! There aren’t many visitors down here… What do you want?” Upon Teach Me, if you meet the Sharkman Karate requirement, “Defeat a Nova Sea Beast and I’ll teach you what I know.” Once you defeat a Nova Sea Beast and return, Hungar Feish will sell you the Abyssal Krav Fighting Style, and will appear at Ice Cream Land in the <Sea of Treats>.
Damage: 2963 / 2963 / 2963 / 3123
Cooldown: 0.8 Second
Ken Break: No
Knockback: Very small knockback
More To Know: Similar to Water Kung-Fu and Sharkman Karate, with the same sound applied and dealing low knockback and not pushing the user.
Z: Cross Body Jab
Damage: 5562
Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 125
More To Know: The user does a quick powerful jab forward, throwing hit targets. Will auto-lock to the nearest enemy while in combat. Deals 30% less damage while not in combat. Launches the user very far (Think fully charged Dragon Z launch power).
X: Oceanic Cross
Damage: 4121 / 3621
Cooldown: 11.6 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 250
More To Know: A blue glowing cross (think Eclipse Chromatic Fire) appears in front of the user. If an incoming attacks hits the user, the attack deals 50% less damage and the user retaliates by rushing forward and doing a motion similar to Dragon Talon Z. The damage nullification does not stack with other buffs (shark, transformations, etc). If the attack is held and released, shoots the blue cross forward, increasing in size and dealing damage (think saber X). Deals 25% less damage if the user is at full HP.
C: 7 Deadly Strikes
Damage: 7777 / 6666 / 5544 / 3363
Cooldown: 18.3 Seconds
Ken Break: No
Knockback: No
Mastery 350
More To Know: The user punches in the direction of the cursor, causing fists of water to jet out from them and attack in the area of the cursor, having an (almost) infinite range (comparable but less than Dragon Z). The attack deals more damage the farther the hit target is. Deals 20% less damage if the user is at full HP.
Sword Master
Cost Requirements: You must have obtained every Up-To-Date-Possible Obtainable Sword and reach 150 Mastery on all of them, or a total of all of them reaching 150 (300 on one counts as two, 450 counts as 3, etc, a total of 6000 Mastery on Swords), or, if you’re level 1,500 or lower, you can obtain a common, uncommon, rare, legendary, or mythical sword and get a certain mastery level on it (Common 500, Uncommon 400, Rare 300, etc etc) and be able to purchase the Fighting Style. Costs: $4,500,000, 5,000 Fragments, x20 Scrap Metal, x15 Polished Metal, x10 Metal Alloy, x10 Yeti Fur, x5 Dragon Scales, x5 Vampire Fangs, x5 Demonic Wisps.
Obtainment Method: Once you meet the Sword Mastery requirement, you can talk to the Sword Master. If you talk to him beforehand, “Hmmph, you are not worthy of the sword… Come back to me later.” If you talk to him when meeting the Sword Requirement, “I see you are one with the blade. Very well I will teach you. And by teach you I mean trade for random materials, causing you to automatically know what I have spent years training for but you don’t care about that do you.” You will then be able to purchase the Sword Master Fighting Style from him.
Damage: 2779 - 2779 - 2779 - 2778
Cooldown: 0.9 Seconds
Ken Break: No
Knockback: No
More To Know: The user slashes their sword forward, dealing damage. The final hit has the user rushes forward but do a 180 turn.
Z: Conqueror Flash Strike
Damage: 4006
Cooldown: 11.15 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 150
More To Know: The user seemingly teleports forward. Nothing happens for 2 seconds, but once that passes, enemies in a cone like shape who were previously in front of the user take sudden damage (Haha Funny Anime Swordsman Teleportation)
X: Vampiric Shred
Damage: 2195 - 2195 - 3155
Cooldown: 15.85 Seconds
Ken Break: No
Knockback: Final Hit Yes
Mastery: 250
More To Know: The user shoots tens of thin wind blades forward, dealing damage. If a couple hit the target, they are left briefly stunned, and the user teleports behind them, slashing at them and sending them flying in the opposite direction.
C: Vermillion Spin
Damage: 2196 / 3582 / 4012
Cooldown: 18.3 Seconds
Ken Break: No
Knockback: Upwards Yes
Mastery: 350
More To Know: The user spins. Any enemies nearby are caught in the attack as the user elevates higher. The users swords catch on fire and ends with the opponent getting sent flying into the air. This move lasts longer the more it’s held.
More to Know: When using this Fighting Style, you can equip another, but will not be able to use the moves of it. Your Combat Stat has been removed, and shares the same with the Sword, but you will have less stat points to spend. When defeating enemies with the Sword Master Fighting Style, you gain mastery on the Fighting Style you have secondarily equipped. Depending on what sword is equipped, the fighting style will represent that, but only visually. No way am I adding like 20+ variants for every “type” of sword, imagine that yourself.
This had way too many tsb inspirations that are definitely noticeable X_X
Divine Arts My Take
Cost Requirements: 10,000 Fragments, x20 Angel Wings, x10 Aurter Veggie [Yellow] Oceanic, x5 Aurter Veggie [Red] Ascended, x1 Dark Fragment, x1 Mirror Fractal
Obtainment Method: Once you reach Level 1500, you can talk to the Ruler of the World, a glowing orb who has lost their form. He is unable to speak (excuses), but communicates through Emojicons. He has a series of tasks and quests you can take, with obtaining Divine Arts being one of them. Upon taking the “Ascension” Quest, a little yellow orb will appear, and head in the direction of what you must do. You’ll follow the orb to the top of <Great Tree>; and not during a Full Moon; and attempt to enter the trial room. Instead, you’ll be teleported to a Battlefield (this will be reoccuring often) where you must fight a Boss Npc named Wurm, who uses Sandworm Z, Sandworm X, Earth Wyrm C, Tushita X, a mediocre smaller variant of Black Pillar, and Vampiric Art Z (Remaster Coming.) Wurm has 400,000 Health, but will restore their health by 30% at random twice. Wurm will become immune to certain attacks you used primarily to damage him after each heal. Once defeated, you’ll return to the Ruler of the World, who’ll allow you to “learn” (craft) the Divine Art Fighting Style. Upon completing the quest, he will always use the :) emojicon.
Damage: 2684
Cooldown: 1.8 Seconds
Ken Break: No
Knockback: Yes
More To Know: The user creates a chain they whip forward with a long range, hitting multiple enemies and having a 20% chance to curse them, which can do a number of things:
Curses: The target takes 5% more damage, takes 5% less damage, but will get hit by an explosion after 10 seconds that deals around 1,200 damage, the targets moves use 50% more stamina, the targets moves use 50% less stamina, but takes constant low damage that prevents holding attacks.
Z: Fools Mistake
Damage: 3471 - 5012
Cooldown: 8.3 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 125
More To Know: The user fires a blast of yellow light in the direction of the cursor, dealing damage and teleporting the user at the attacks end, the distance increasing the longer the attack is charged. If the hit target changes appearance/form (awakening, transformation, etc), they take increased damage.
X: Divine Punishment
Damage: 2197 - 3861 - 4781
Cooldown: 14.5 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Pulls hit targets in and throws them away
Mastery: 225
More To Know: If tapped, the user creates a yellow sphere that begins to pull in nearby enemies (Think the Mini-Dragging-Sphere from Dragon West C), dealing damage and throwing them at the end of the attack. If held, the user teleports into the sphere and the range of the attack increases.
C: A Fate Sealed
Damage: 3712 / 5862 / 99999
Cooldown: 19.72 Seconds
Ken Break: Yes
Knockback: Yes
Mastery: 325
More To Know: The user creates hundreds of glowing yellow swords (think Gas C but good). Once the attack is released, the swords descend in the chosen area. If used in the general direction of an opponent, a couple of the sword auto lock onto them. If the enemy is at 5% HP or less, all the sword target them and deal incredibly high damage.
Will take as many recommendations as I can.
I'm going to be nerfing Buddha in my Update Concept Btw for those worried about power of some of these